On 14/08/09 09:35, Clarence Huang wrote:
> Many people tell me, "You should check the answer on the Google
> Search Engine before you ask a question" ,  but  How  do I know that
> information is true or false?
> When I first time ask a question on Debian IRC Channel, they usually
> tell me this sentence, and now the mailing list guide tell every want
> to ask a question on the mailing list  try to google your answer, but
> how should we  know the asnwer is true or false?

Just the same as on this list, many answers can be given to the same
question. As users have tried various method to fix problems.

Method A: may work for user b, but not c,a.
Method B: may work for user cb, but not a
Method C: May work for user bca

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