On 08/13/2009 07:44 PM, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> On Thu, 2009-08-13 at 15:59 -0400, Jim wrote:
>> F11/X86_64.
>> Thunderbird, Firefox, everything is being slowed down.
>>   Running ps aux give me this ,
>> root      2141  1.5 24.0 1349116 243972 tty1   Ss+  Aug09  95:17 
>> /usr/bin/X -br -nolisten tcp :0 vt1 -auth /var/run/xauth/A:0-rJsTly
>> mickey    2325  0.8  5.7 1048920 58852 ?       Sl   Aug09  49:08 
>> /usr/bin/plasma-desktop
>> These are the two that seem to be taking up a lot of time.
>> Any Ideals ?
Another thing to look at is memory and swapping. Use the top(1) command
and see if there might be either a memory or cpu hog.  Over the years
I've found that lack of memory is one of the biggest causes of system
slowness. The vmstat(8) command may also show give you some useful

Jerry Feldman <g...@blu.org>
Boston Linux and Unix
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