On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 8:37 PM, Jim <mickey...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> On 08/12/2009 12:44 PM, Mike Cloaked wrote:
>> Does anyone know which partitioning tools will play nice with ext4 in F11?
>> eg fdisk, parted, qtparted etc....
>> It would be nice to have a list of those tools that can be trusted to
>> change
>> partitions for F11 and for F12 upcoming.  I guess there is always
>> PartedMagic livecd/liveusb that presumably play nice with ext4 ?
> gparted.
> I have use gparted from a boot iso and made my partitions and then use f11
> and customise  and edit and specified the label  /    /home  swap and had no
> problems.

Parted Magic has gparted + a lot of other utilities,


Fedora 10, Ubuntu 9.04  (i686)
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