On Tue, 2009-08-18 at 17:21 +0400, Hiisi wrote:
> Dear Fedora Folks!
> I want to write a script that would browse the WEB (Internet shops) and 
> using wget will download goods description and pictures. I will parse 
> resulted htmls then and represent data into another form (SQL INSERT 
> command). I can imagine how to do all that but pictures are the most 
> complicated part of the job. I need to change their dimensions and some 
> other characteristics, like contrast and brightness. Is there a command 
> that will do the task?
> Respectfully
> --
> Hiisi.
> Registered Linux User #487982. Be counted at: http://counter.li.org/

ImageMagick is simple and easy to use from the command line. The gimp
also has powerful scripting modes if you need to do more fancy stuff.


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