Lonni J Friedman wrote:
> Ever since updating to thunderbird-3.0beta3 (in Fedora11), any URLs
> that I click on fail to do anything.  Previously they opened up in
> Firefox.  I've got the following set in thunderbird:
> network.protocol-handler.app.http;firefox
> network.protocol-handler.app.https;firefox
> network.protocol-handler.app.ftp;firefox
> Anyone else seeing this problem?
No, I'm not having that problem.  However, I had the problem in the
past.  I don't recall the remedy but I do recall the problem was
apparent when I started TB from the command line and then clicked on a URL.

I never cheated an honest man, only rascals. They wanted something for
nothing. I gave them nothing for something. -- Joseph "Yellow Kid" Weil
mei-mei.gres...@greshko.com http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=cCSz_koUhSg

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