On Wednesday 19 August 2009 19:25:47 Patrick Dupre wrote:
> On Wed, 19 Aug 2009, Rick Stevens wrote:
> > Patrick Dupre wrote:
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> When I make lpr of the attached file I only get blank pages !
> >> I am using fedora 11 and hplip 3.9.8
> >
> > lpr doesn't grock postscript.  You need to feed the file through
> > something like ghostscript first:
> >
> >     gs -sOutputFile=%pipe%lpr name-of-file.ps
> Unfortunately, it is exactly the same.
> The print test page is OK, but using gs always gives me a blank page !!!!

Many web pages seem to be impossible to print correctly.  I've struggled with 
this for years.  Now when that happens I 'print to file' as a pdf, then do my 
print from the pdf file.  Not ideal, but it works.

The change to qt print system may be a factor, but I've seen this in firefox 
(only for some sites) long before kde4 came on the scene.

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