Colin Brace wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have determined what has been causing audio to fail on my F11 system:
> Flash locks the sound device and subsequent applications can't output sound. 
> A typical course of events is: first I play a YouTube video in Firefox or
> Epiphany. Then I try to listen to some tracks in Rhythmbox. The latter
> simply refuses to output. (This happens as well with VLC etc)
<--------------[ SNIP ]--------------->
> killing epiphany or npviewer.bin fixes things; rhythmbox begins playing
> music as soon as I do this.
> Does anyone have any ideas on how to keep Flash from *monopolizing* the
> sound device? I thought these kinds of issues were settled by
> ALSA/pulseaudio; that is to say, I didn't encounter this behaviour in
> earlier Fedoras.
Dumb question - are all the applications configured to use
PulseAudio? It sounds like Epiphany is using Alsa instead of PA, so
it is grabbing the audio all for itself.


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