Bob Goodwin wrote:
I just had perhaps the third occurrence of this problem.

I tried to shut down gthumb which was displaying a a photo from the nfs server. It would not shut down, at least not in a reasonable amount if time. Gkrellm showed cup1 running at max. and top indicated the cup at 99.5%. Something did eventually time out but that did not calm the cup activity.: .

   3487 bobg      20   0  2928 1068  932 R 99.5  0.0 445:55.55 gam_server

Kill 3487 does not stop it. In fact nothing seems to. I told it to poweroff and it got as far as "halting system" and stayed there until I pressed the power button for five seconds or so.

This happened once last night and it sat there saying it was busy, the power button was required to kill it then too.

I don't expect anyone to troubleshoot the problem but would like to know what other commands I might try to restore things without shutting down and rebooting.

This is an F-10 system pretty much up to date, certainly all security updates and perhaps all the rest, I've lost track at the moment. I suspect the problem is related to some horse photo files from my daughters Mac. But I need a way to stop things when this happens ...

Any help appreciated.



what kernel version do you have loaded, is the processor a multicore or multiprocessor unit. If the kernel version is a recent FC10 update and you are on an SMP motherboard then I have seen the same thing happen with other processes. The problem seems to be in the area where it interacts with the NFS code, BUT it look like a kernel problem with the SMP system. I have not been able to get a dump to prove this but try downgrading to an older kernel and see if it goes away - I used the last FC9 kernel and it did.

I have since upgraded to FC11 and this also does not exhibit the problem so it may just have been with one or two of the latest FC10 builds!


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