There are 2 systems...  On is a RHELv4 the other is a Ubuntu
system...don't know the version.

Both have postgreSQL install....slightly different versions...but I
don't think that matters.

The RHEL system       pg_dump (PostgreSQL) 8.1.2
The Ubuntu system    pg_dump (PostgreSQL) 8.3.6

The issue is running pg_dump from a cron job.

The RHEL system is running just fine....and the admin of the system
wanted to move the same backup scripts to the Ubuntu system.  On the
Ubuntu system the job ran fine from the command line but produced a 0
length dump file when run from cron.

The solution to the problem was to redirect stdout and stderr to either
a file or /dev/null for the pg_dump command.

Does anyone have a clue as to why the different behavior?   I know this
may be a (cough, cough) Ubuntu question...but does anyone have an idea
if there is a "switch" that can be turned on so the redirect is not needed?

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