On Friday 21 August 2009 08:14:28 Mike Cloaked wrote:
> I have thunderbird with lightning (and enigmail) installed in F11, and when
> I shutdown thunderbird I see the processor using a significant fraction of
> the CPU and the process "thunderbird-bin" is still active. I can kill this
> process, but I can't see any way to prevent this unclean shutdown
> happening.
> Does anyone else see this with the version of thunderbird in F11? I could
> not find a directly relevant bz but have added a comment to
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=493000

Yes, both Thunderbird and Firefox have that effect on this laptop.  I have to 
kill the processes immediately after using the application.  


The odd thing is that they seem to hog the cpu much worse at that point then 
when they were actually in use.

I do have enigmail installed, but this was happening before I installed it.

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