On 08/21/2009 03:35 PM, William Case wrote:

On Fri, 2009-08-21 at 13:36 +0100, Albert Graham wrote:
On 08/21/2009 12:58 PM, ann kok wrote:

any way to list files but not directory

Thank you

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Seems like a very reasonable request and its a shame that ls does not
provide such an option (which I guess would be an extension to the -A

I remember asking about this four or five years ago when I first started
using Linux (RedHat). (It was the first question I asked on the users
mailing list.)

Now that I am familiar with 'find' and 'grep' etc. I no longer worry
about it.  However, 'ls' is probably the first commandline command a
beginner learns.  It seems illogical, that 'ls' wouldn't have a flag
that just shows files when it has a flag for directories.  It can cost
newbies hours looking for a solution that isn't there.

Couldn't the shell maintainers just add an appropriate flag to show
files only?

It would probably be easier to hack the ls source and extend the -A functionality.

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