I'm trying to set up a spanning desktop on my Dell Latitude C640 laptop, which has an ATI Radeon Mobility 7500 graphics chipset and a Dell 1504FP LCD monitor in analog (VGA) mode. I use Gnome on Fedora 10.

I can (sometimes) get the spanning desktop to work using System/Preferences/Hardware/Screen Resolution from the Gnome menu with the laptop configured to be on the left, and the external display configured to be on the right. However, this is actually the opposite of my physical setup at my desk. Every time that I try to switch the displays to their actual layout, the desktop still spans, but the displays are mirrored, which is not only useless, but can also cause problems, especially when sometimes it results in the display without the top and bottom bars missing (!). Does anybody know how I can get this work properly with the laptop on the right and the external monitor on the left?


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