On Sun, 2009-08-23 at 10:57 +1000, Roger wrote:
> <snip>
> I think this probably means that you don't have the kernel-devel RPM
> for
> that kernel.
> </snip>
> I run Fedora 11  and have problems with video every kernel update so
> have reverted to a kernel from 2 months ago.
> Does the above mean that I should download kernel-devel every time
> there is a kernel update every couple of weeks or so?
> I tried and got a yum update kernel-firmware 'nothing to be done' so
> am very reticent about installing new kernels.

Once you have a kernel-devel RPM, future updates should install one
matching each new kernel when the kernel is installed.  So you should
have one for each kernel, but once set up, it should happen

Note that new kernels are installed rather than updated, so after
updates, you should have at least two kernel and kernel-devel package
pairs, at least one of which is known good.

> I downloaded akmod-nvidia.i5a8 and .868 yesterday but in light of
> current discussions about failures am very reluctant to continue with
> updating kernels.

You only want one of these, probably the same architecture as your glibc

> Its looking very laborious and may be prone to failure.
> If this machine dies I have no way of getting onto the internet to
> correct problems. Its getting to be a bit of a bother. I don't
> remember ever having this amount of problem with Fedora products in
> the past.

See above r.e. known-good backup kernels.

Generally, once set up properly, things should Just Work(tm).

> My machine will not install the kernel updates - errors are:
> ERROR with rpm_check_debug vs depsolve:
> kernel-uname-r = is needed by
> kmod-nvidia-
> kernel-uname-r = is needed by
> kmod-nvidia-
> Please report this error at http://yum.baseurl.org/report

Aha!  I saw something similar the other day on a machine that had been
upgraded via preupgrade.  The RPMs you see are leftover from the
upgrade.  I bet yuo have no kernel-*-fc10 RPMs.  If that's the case,
jyst remove all the nvidia-related RPMs that have fc10 in the version
number and try again.

> I cannot report to yum.baseurl because it requires password and login
> and I have no reason to be part of that process to report an error.

There's a Bugzilla link on the rpmfusion.org home page.

> Ran yum update kmod-nvidia  which reports 'nothing to be done'
> Yum list kmod-nvidia reports:kmod-nvidia.i586  185.18.31-1.fc11
> @rpmfusion-nonfree-updates and kmod-nvidia.i586 is in yellow --- don't
> know why!
> Don't know if this signals danger or conflict. Getting nervous here
> folks.
> uname -r reports:
> and everything works so I don't know why kmod-nvidia needs such an old
> kernel, particularly fc10 which is not installed.
> I started F11 by installing the F11 trial from a dvd, then yum
> installed everything then updated frequently.
> I am out of my depth here.
> What am I missing.
> What do I need to do to handle this and future updates.
> Roger.


First remove any nvidia RPMs left over from fc10.
Next, make sure you have the kmod-nvidia or akmod-nvidia RPM for the
correct architecture (see above).  
Third, run updates to get the kmod-nvidia-<kernel-version> RPMs for your
current kernels.

If you have only kmod-nvidia, you'll need to wait for the repo to
provide new kmod-nvidia-<kernel-version> RPMs.  Until they are ready,
you'll use a free driver (nouveau or vesa).

If you have the akmod-nvidia RPM and kernel-devel RPMs for all your
kernels and the toolchain to build kernels, akmod-nvidia will
automatically rebuild the necessary modules, make RPMs of them, and
install them.

You should be good to go at that point, at least until the kernel
version number changes from 2.6.29 to 2.6.30.

                Matthew Saltzman

Clemson University Math Sciences
mjs AT clemson DOT edu

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