On Sun, 23 Aug 2009 12:25:39 +0100, Anne wrote:

> On Sunday 23 August 2009 10:36:50 wwp wrote:
> > Hello there,
> >
> >
> > I'm getting an error when attempting to create an audio CD from flac or
> > mp3 files. K3b 1.0.5 (using KDE 3.5.10-13-fc10) within Fedora 10. Blank
> > CD-R inserted and recognized, flac/mp3 files show correct permissions
> > for user.
> >
> > The point is that the necessary plug-ins are loaded as seen in the K3b
> > plugin configuration details (*) and that few weeks ago I was able to
> > create such audio CD from flac or mp3 files..
> >
> > The error when I click a flac or mp3 file:
> > Unable to handle the following files due to an unsupported format:
> > You may manually convert these audio files to wave using another
> > application supporting the audio format and then add the wave files to the
> > K3b project.
> >
> > (*):
> > $ rpm -qa|grep -i k3b
> > k3b-1.0.5-9.fc10.i386
> > k3b-libs-1.0.5-9.fc10.i386
> > k3b-extras-freeworld-1.0.5-4.fc10.i38
> >
> >
> > I have no clue about what was changed that could prevent this
> > operation, maybe a yum update..
> >
> > Any hint?
> >
> Are you running k3b-1.66.0-2?  If so, the k3b-extras package that matches it 
> is not yet ready.

Above says k3b 1.0.5.  Is this with SELinux on or off? Anything in the logs?

Let RPM verify the installed packages (use "root" for that):

  rpm -V k3b k3b-libs k3b-extras-freeworld

In addition to that, show the output of

  ldd -r /usr/lib/kde3/libk3bflacdecoder.so

since the FLAC decoder is part of k3b even.

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