On Tuesday 25 August 2009 22:22:46 Steven P. Ulrick wrote:
> Hello Everyone
> I just ran "yum update", logged out and logged back in.  I was greeted
> with this:
> http://www.afolkey2.net/~steve/20090825-Fedora11-ScreenShot-001.jpg
> More specifically, some of the icons on my desktop had little red
> circles (with exclamation points in them) by them.  At first I thought
> something (else) really weird happened and I had a whole bunch of
> broken symlinks.
> Then I clicked on one to see what happened.  This is the result:
> http://www.afolkey2.net/~steve/20090825-Fedora11-ScreenShot-002.jpg
> If I click "Continue" the application starts just fine, and the circle
> with the exclamation point goes away "for that application."
> If for some reason, I decide to minimize the little prompt depicted in
> http://www.afolkey2.net/~steve/20090825-Fedora11-ScreenShot-002.jpg
> the entire desktop gets dim (just like a window that does not have
> focus is set to do on our system) and the little dialog minimizes just
> fine.  BUT, I have not been able to find a way to restore it after it
> has been minimized.  For all intents and purposes, the desktop is
> locked up.  I happen to have my desktop set to display a slide-show
> that changes pictures every 15 seconds.  This continues to work
> properly.  Pop-ups for newly received email work properly.  But my
> ability to interact with my desktop and start new applications is
> completely and totally ended.  The only way to get things back to
> normal is to do "Ctrl | Alt | Backspace"
> Just to clarify, I have never seen this behavior on our Fedora 11
> system.  It started IMMEDIATELY after the recent updates that pulled
> KDE 4.3 in (I run KDE, by the way...)
> I have discovered quite a few new things so far after logging back in
> after the recent updates.  All of them that I have seen so far I
> really like.  This one I don't care for :)  I can see why it could be
> a good idea, but I don't like the fact that I am now forced to opt-out
> of this new (to me) feature instead of "opting-in"
> So my questions are as follows:
> 1. Where do I change the appropriate setting so that I can get things
> back to the way they were before the recent updates?
> 2. If a new RPM was pulled in with these updates that caused this new
> functionality, what is it's name?
> I will look for answers to these questions myself as well.
> Thank you for any help you can give me.
Not much, I'm afraid.  I've been using 4.3 for a few weeks now and never seen 
this behaviour.  You did re-start KDE, I see, but have you tried a reboot, in 
case there was something from the old system still running and causing a 

There are few things in Linux that require a reboot, but I always do one after 
a kernel change, and after major changes to KDE.

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