On Friday 28 August 2009 09:09:33 Anne Wilson wrote:
> OK - I get testy before breakfast.
> I'd forgotten how I did it.  You may remember that I said a long time ago
> that you could do it in Activities, but not in desktops.  Now you combine
> the two.
> Use the desktop cashew to zoom out > create an Activity for each desktop
> that you want - IOW 4 desktops = 4 Activities >  Configure each Activity
> with the wallpaper you want.  Go back to your first Activity and zoom in -
> you are back where you started.
> Now go to each desktop, zoom out, set one Activity to use that desktop,
> zoom in.  Do this for each desktop.  Now you can use your desktops just as
> you always did, but each has settings that are independent of each other.
> Takes a few minutes to set up, but from then on it's as easy as it always
> was.

Quicker way - and, I think, the way that I did it:


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