Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:

> It seams like most of the people that complain most about Network
> Manager are people that are ageist any changes that require them to
> learn something new...

This comment seems rather silly to me.

First of all, NM _doesn't_ require you to "learn something new", does it?
What do you have to learn?

Secondly, I'm sure that the vast majority of people who complain about NM
do so because it doesn't work for them.

The trouble with a program like NM which claims that "it just works"
is that if it doesn't work then you are in the soup.
There is a complete lack of documentation,
and the error messages in /var/log/messages are more or less useless.

In my experience, NM has improved enormously as far as working is concerned,
ie it works seamlessly 98% of the time, _for me_.
[Nb If somebody complains that an application is not working (for him)
it is very annoying for someone to respond that it works perfectly for them,
as though that is some kind of solution for the OP.]
But in the 2% of cases when it does not work for me,
I have little idea of what to do.
Usually I take the Windows approach of re-booting in hope.

Timothy Murphy  
e-mail: gayleard /at/ eircom.net
tel: +353-86-2336090, +353-1-2842366
s-mail: School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland

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