Gene Heskett wrote:
> Skype has a signup that vz doesn't block, or cannot block.  I have attempted 
> to sign up for an account with ekiga on at least 4 occasions now, also 
> twinkle, and the  confirming email which must be replied to never arrives for 
> any of those services, which prevents a vz sub (only game in town) from 
> getting to first base.  Which is another reason skype has a liplock on this.  
> Me, I'd druther sue vz for not being a common carrier, which they _claim_ to 
> be.  Yeah, sure they are....
Are you saying that vz blocks you from using gmail or yahoo mail so that
you can't even use those to sign up for an account with ekiga?

Nemo me impune lacessit. [No one provokes me with impunity] -- Motto of
the Crown of Scotland

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