On Wed, 2 Sep 2009 17:38:54 -0700 (PDT)
Adil Adil <adil.dri...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi it still does not work. this time the command did give any errors

Wow, you are a hard case.  I think they should pay me extra.  :-)

How are you testing whether sound works?  I think you said at one point,
but I've forgotten.  You should be using something really low level like
aplay -D plughw:0,0  some.wav

I notice from the IEC958 setting below that the change didn't stick, but
was reset back on reboot.

Lets approach this from another direction.  Install the following
packages for pulseaudio if they aren't already installed on your system.

yum install padevchooser pavumeter pavucontrol

Once they are installed, go into the menu to Applications->Sound &
Video->PulseAudio Volume Control.  This comes from the pavucontrol

After it is open, first open the "Output Devices" tab.  You should see
your card there.  If you do, then open the Configuration
tab.  You should have one entry there.  Click on the down arrow at the
right of the dropdown and select "Output Analog Stereo + Input Analog
Stereo".  Close everything.

You should now have sound.  Write back with any issues.  I'm getting
down to the bottom of my bag of tricks, so might not be able to offer
much more help if this doesn't work.

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