On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 9:28 AM, Roberto Ragusa <m...@robertoragusa.it>wrote:

> Fernando Cassia wrote:
> > Is there any automatically updated web page showing the latest greatest
> > kernel version/build available for a given Fedora version, I mean,
> > without getting into the repos?.
> >
> > Say, if I want to create a shell script to check the latest kernel on
> > the repos and compare it with whatever is installed on the system, what
> > would be the URL or place to check?
> Is screen scraping the index file of an http/ftp mirror disqualified
> because it is "getting into the repos"? :-)

Well, if there's no other way, I'll do that. I just wondered if somewhere @
fedora.org there was a html page listing the latest kernel version, and kept
in sync with the repos...

> A well thought "wget|grep|tail -1|cut" would do the job.

That's what I plan to do, I just wondered if there was some flag-file or
html page listing that info that I could scrap.

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