Daniel B. Thurman wrote:
> On 09/13/09 19:06, Tim wrote:
>> On Sun, 2009-09-13 at 08:58 -0700, Daniel B. Thurman wrote:
>>> I manually typed in: system-config-language and the default was
>>> the first top item in the list, i.e. Afrikaans (South America)
>>> and this was somehow the default set during installation of F11
>>> even though the installer told me it was correctly set to English
>>> (USA).
>> Two things spring to mind:
>> As I said to Anne, perhaps the installation option only sets
>> settings pertaining to doing the installation, not what happens
>> with the new system.
>> Have you, now, changed the defaults, and did it work?
> Please bear with me if I seem dense. What do you mean by if I have
> >>changed the defaults<<???
> What is the defaults? How can I tell.
The system wide default is held in /etc/sysconfig/i18n and seems to be
> I already said that when I first started system.config.language that
> the "default" was set to Afrikaan or at least this item was
> highlighted, assumed that this "default" is wrong and proceeded to
> change this item to: "English (USA)", and closed the program.
> Did it work?
> I am still seeing the following in the system logs:
> Sep 13 08:46:14 <hostname> ntfs-3g[7707]: Could not convert filename
> to Unicode: 'Clavier-B�chlein F�r Anna Maguire': Invalid or
> incomplete multibyte or wide character
> I do not see this sort of error message in F9, using the same exact
> filesystem drive/partition. I compared F9 & F11 /etc/sysconfig/i18n
> as follows:
> In F9: LANG="en_US.utf8" SYSFONT="latarcyrheb-sun16"
> In F11: # LANG=C considerably speeds up boot (measured 5sec) --
> bernie LANG="en_US.UTF-8" SYSFONT="latarcyrheb-sun16"
> They are pretty much same except for that weird commented out LANG=C
> line, for which I never put there.
> It is possible that the system log message is not a "locale" issue
> and points to something else, I dunno...

However....you've said that:

$ locale

Clearly a LANG=C will get you the problems with multi-byte characters.....

So, yes, you need to track down why/how your LANG is getting set as it
is.....  I can't think of how that would happen....

But, I would probably delete that commented out line from
/etc/sysconfig/i18n just to make sure something weird isn't going on
with that line. If you didn't put it there...it begs the
question "who did"? Who is bernie?

You may even consider booting into run level 3 and then seeing if your
environment is LANG=C before running "startx".

We don't care how they do it in New York. Guess Who!

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