Globe Trotter: 
>> I am trying to discover network printers on F11: I fire up
>> system-config-printer and ask for this to be searched but nothing is
>> found. However, system-config-printer when run on ubuntu is able to find
>> the printers without a hitch at all. What is the setting that is not set
>> right on F11, and how do I fix it?

Anne Wilson:
> According to Linux Format this month, if you have SELinux running this is to 
> be expected, so you'll have to look for a way to allow the broadcast through.

I didn't have to fiddle with SELinux to get my Fedora 11 installation to
find the printers on my LAN (one served from an old Fedora Core 4
installation, and another from a Fedora 7).  All I had to do was make
sure that Fedora 11's firewall allowed the CUPS client.

I didn't look for a printer using system-config-printer, though.  I
visited <http://localhost:631/printers/>, and waited for it to show up.
There's some delay, but I don't recall that the scan period is very
long.  Restarting a CUPS client or server usually produces quicker
results for the impatient.

There's an option to "show printers shared by other systems" that's
ticked on the <http://localhost:631/admin> page (which means to *show*
printers elsewhere on your LAN, as opposed to just the ones directly
connected to the computer you're working on), but I think that was
already ticked by default.

If your remote printer that you're unable to find is on a different
sub-net (e.g. 192.168.1.x versus 192.168.2.x), you may need play with
more settings on the server.


The gates in my computer are AND, OR and NOT; they are not Bill.

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