yeah, but imagine the savings for the group while the clueless recipient engages this busy work and wont have time to post again for awhile! :O

On 09/13/2009 07:22 PM, Tim wrote:
On Sun, 2009-09-13 at 15:11 -0500, Aaron Konstam wrote:
I think it would be more pleasant to use the word "wrong" instead of
"stupid". Just for better relations between posters.

If it wasn't so commonly badly advised, I might agree.  But it's often
the first thing, and only, thing said to people, and by far too many
posters, despite the (far less frequent) sensible warnings not to offer
that advice.

I say it's dumb/stupid, because it's usually given without rhyme or
reason by one person who doesn't really know what they're advising to
another person who doesn't know what they're doing.  Just like the old
close windows, open windows, reboot, retry, routine, where people expect
an idiotic sequence of events to magically fix some problem.

The dumb advice top 4 list seems to be:

1. Do a "yum clean all" for any problem with updating.
2. Remove pulseaudio for any problem related to sound.
3. Disable SELinux when something fails to work.
4. Wipe out and rebuild the RPM database regularly.

   jack craig
         831-684-1375 (Office)
            831-596-6924 (cell)
               IM: jackcraigaptos (AIM)
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