I've been using Fedora 11 for months, and love it.

I've recently had issues with my PS2 mouse.
Sometimes it stops working, and other times is weird.
So I have a few questions:

How can I find out what's wrong with my mouse?
I unplugged it / reconnected it, and the mouse stopped going "up & down" for
over a week.

How can I check / post Xorg log files for review?
Mouse just started randomly working fine again, I haven't rebooted.
So I want to post log stuff.

Thanks for the help

A) Original mouse
My original / good mouse was eaten by my pet rabbit.

B) Old mouse from friend
Stats: Std 3-button, PS2 connection, Optical mouse
Worked fine, but eventually had the "always double-click" bug.
I would single click, and files would open, text would highlight, GIMP,
Office, Firefox, etc...
So I fed that one to my rabbit too.

C) Brand new mouse, but from an obscure 3rd party
Stats: Std 3-button, PS2 connection, Optical mouse
Worked fine, but then I unplug / replug mouse.
For next week, mouse does not go up and down.
And just 5 minutes ago, while surfing internet, mouse magic fixes itself.

Thanks again
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