My Home server has a WebDav Calendar named Home in /var/www/html/dav/Home.ics

Long story short:
Last night (actually, about 1:30 this AM) I made one change to my calendar from my laptop via Thunderbird/Lightning. It seemed to take, so I shut down the laptop and went to bed.

This morning (about 11:30 AM) I fired up the laptop to look at my calendar and it was "gone". No data in Thunderbird/Lightning from it. There is a little "!" inside a yellow triangle next to it in the calendar list.

No attempt to access this calendar is succeeding for me. Not from Lightning, not from Sunbird, not from any of my 3 machines running Linux (I haven't tried my wife's Windows box yet).

I've looked at /var/log/httpd/access_log and error_log. The access_log shows my GET's, but there are no errors in the error log. So, I assume that the data is being served properly, so it must be something else.

So, I went down to the server and rebooted. No change! The calendar is still un-accessable.

So, finally, I installed Sunbird on the server and tried to add the calendar to it. No dice. Same stupid yellow triangle.

        This time, I looked at Sunbirds error console:

Error: Skipping Operating System timezone 'America/New'. TypeError: tz has no 
Source File: file:///usr/lib/sunbird-0.9/components/calItemModule.js -> 
Line: 736

Warning: Warning:  Using guessed timezone
  America/New_York (UTC-0500/-0400).
This ZoneInfo timezone seems to match the operating system timezone this year.
This ZoneInfo timezone was chosen based on matching the operating system
timezone with likely timezones for internet users using US English.

Error: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x804a0100 [calIICSService.parseICS]"  nsresult: 
"0x804a0100 (<unknown>)"  location: "JS frame :: 
file:///usr/lib/sunbird-0.9/components/calItemModule.js -> file:///usr/lib/sunbird-0.9/js/calIcsParser.js :: 
ip_parseString :: line 58"  data: no]
Source File: file:///usr/lib/sunbird-0.9/components/calItemModule.js -> 
Line: 58

Warning: There has been an error reading data for calendar: HomeDav. It has been placed in read-only mode, since 
changes to this calendar will likely result in data-loss.  You may change this setting by choosing 'Edit Calendar'. 
Error code: ICS_NO_ERROR. Description: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x804a0100 
[calIICSService.parseICS]"  nsresult: "0x804a0100 (<unknown>)"  location: "JS frame :: 
file:///usr/lib/sunbird-0.9/components/calItemModule.js -> file:///usr/lib/sunbird-0.9/js/calIcsParser.js :: 
ip_parseString :: line 58"  data: no]

Warning: There has been an error reading data for calendar: HomeDav. Error code: READ_FAILED. Description:

The only package changes I can see happened before:

Sep 23 00:40:12 Updated: perl-Net-CIDR-Lite-0.20-4.fc10.noarch
Sep 23 00:40:12 Updated: perl-MLDBM-2.01-7.fc10.noarch
Sep 23 00:40:13 Updated: perl-Net-CIDR-0.13-2.fc10.noarch
Sep 23 00:40:15 Updated:
Sep 23 12:18:15 Installed: sunbird-0.9-3.fc10.i386

Nothing jumps out at me.

Can someone please tell me what went wrong? And maybe point the finger at the problem?


Kevin J. Cummings
Registered Linux User #1232 (

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