At 08:14 on 24 Sep 2009, David Timms wrote:
> Hi, I have image files of type:
> - png
> - tif  (b/w) - fax like
> - jpg
> that were produced by my scanner, during scan of a document.

I've found that the netpbm tools (pnmtops) do a much better job at this
than ImageMagick (convert) and friends. Assuming A4 size images, try
something like:

convert imagefile pnm:- | \
  pnmtops -imagewidth 8.27 -nocenter | \
  ps2pdf -sPAPERSIZE=a4 - imagefile.pdf

for each image, followed by:

pdftk imagefile*.pdf cat output finished.pdf

to concatenate them all into one pdf file.

Mark Knoop

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