On Thu, 24 Sep 2009 20:57:19 -0700, john wrote:

> I suspect Gnome is doing something stupid.

Which is what I think, too. Perhaps it's really time to take
another look at Brasero instead of working around issues with k3b.

And btw, this is another regression. At least up to F10 it hasn't failed
to verify written files. Not with this hardware (LG) and not with other
hardware (AOpen, Mitsumi) either. It only suffered from the various issues
related to verifying written images (sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't,
sometimes it couldn't find any tracks, sometimes the checksum didn't
match, but matched when verifying it myself). I've never had any problems
with the tray opening/closing automatically.

That the just written DVD gets mounted automatically never used to be 
a problem either. Disc read access is not exclusive. Previously one could
browse the disc with Nautilus while k3b was verifying the files. Unmounting
the disc doesn't change a thing, and k3b still waits endlessly for something
at 0% of the verification step.

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