On Mon, 2009-09-28 at 10:37 -0400, William Case wrote:
> Just for future reference, and to add to my own personal knowledge, I
> wish I had a better idea of what was going on.  I have wasted 2 or 3
> hours try to figure out what I did wrong when I probably haven't done
> anything I shouldn't have.  It would be nice to be able to recognize
> the source of this kind of problem.

Bill, in my days as the guy where the buck stops for a University user
community, one of the things I constantly had to explain was that email
doesn't obey strict rules of time-ordering as seen by the user, and the
fact that a message hasn't arrived *yet* wasn't necessarily my fault.

It's quite illuminating to study how email actually works, end-to-end.
It's enormously more complex than most people realize, in fact it's
something of a miracle that it works at all :-)


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