On Tue, 29 Sep 2009 16:49:59 -0700 (PDT), Globe wrote:

>  > 
>  > > > fribidi-0.19.2-1.fc11
>  > > > contains libfribidi.so.0 with the symbol
>  you
>  > refer to.
>  > 
>  > > Clearly this is installed. But yum provides
>  > */libfribidi0*
>  > 
>  > libfribidi.so.0 == libfribidi0* 
>  > 
>  > Since when?
>  But that was my point!

Uh? libfribidi.so.0 (which the libraries internal name) is included
within package "fribidi". Wherever you've found something on the
web that points to something called "libfribidi0", that isn't
applicable to Fedora. There may be other Linux distributions that
put the library into a package called "libfribidi0", but not Fedora.

$ repoquery --whatprovides libfribidi.so.0  

$ rpm --query --provides fribidi|grep so

$ objdump -T /usr/lib/libfribidi.so.0|grep get_type
007e79d0 g    DF .text  00000023  Base        fribidi_get_type_internal
007e7a00 g    DF .text  00000023  Base        fribidi_get_type

> The responder indicated it was. So,
>  how does one get around the missing symbol, as in:
>  abiword: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libabiword-2.6.so:
>  undefined symbol: fribidi_get_type

1) Can you show that your "fribidi" package isn't damaged?
Run: rpm -V fribidi

2) Can you show that the libfribidi.so.0 library is found and
linked with /usr/lib/libabiword-2.6.so?
Run: ldd -r /usr/lib/libabiword-2.6.so|grep frib

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