--- On Wed, 9/30/09, Valent Turkovic <valent.turko...@gmail.com> wrote:

> From: Valent Turkovic <valent.turko...@gmail.com>
> Subject: Live USB from Live CD image?
> To: "Fedora Users" <fedora-list@redhat.com>
> Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 1:08 PM
> Hi,
> I saw somewhere a tip how to make LiveUSB when booting from
> LiveCD
> image, but now I can't find that reference...
> I would be really grateful for anyone pointing me in right
> direction.
> Cheers.
> -- 
> pratite me na twitteru - www.twitter.com/valentt
> http://kernelreloaded.blog385.com/
> linux, blog, anime, spirituality, windsurf, wireless
> registered as user #367004 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org.
> ICQ: 2125241, Skype: valent.turkovic, msn: valent.turko...@hotmail.com
> -- 

KMenu -->  Applications --> System --> liveusb-creator

If you are running KDE, for GNOME/XFCE it should be somewhat similar except for 




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