On 10/02/2009 10:59 AM, brian wrote:
I've just installed TB3b4 (because 3b3 was driving me nuts). I use IMAP,
so on startup, it proceeded to download everything (although I'm pretty
sure 3b3 had already done that). Unfortunately, it appears to have
screwed things up. I have several accounts; they're all listed on the
left side, but I have just a single Inbox at the top that contains
everything from the Inbox of each account.

Does anyone know the safest way to back out of this mess?

And, is this the "correct" behaviour? If so, I'm not a fan. Is there
some way to start up TB without having it inflict its "Smart Folder"
functionality on me?

Never mind. I found the (very tiny, unlabelled) arrows next to where it read "Smart Folders". Clicking those changes the view to "Unread Folders", "Recent Folders", etc. Eventually, I got it back to "All Folders". That was a bit disturbing, to say the least.

Another thing I noticed is that the "reply", "delete", "junk" buttons have gone AWOL from the toolbar. That's easy enough to fix but couldn't it have updated without making the user go back in and add those again?

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