I searched both Google and the archives of this list, but could not find the magic keys to produce useful answers.

I downloaded the Fedora 11(*) live CD and used it to install on two boxen. Both are showing the same problem. Everything works well until the screen saver kicks in. At that point the display loses sync and shows torn jagged diagonal lines across the screen. Any normal input triggers a recovery and returns to my regularly scheduled programs.

Fedora 11, KDE

Box 1:
  Dell GX270 SFF
  P-4/Xeon 2.6 GHz
  512 MB DDR RAM
  20 GB IDE drive
  Intel 865 Video Chip

Box 2:
  White box
  P-4/Celeron 1.0 GHz
  512 MB DDR RAM
  60 GB IDE drive
  Apollo ProMedia PLE133T/a Video chip

Both boxes are talking to a Dell E173FP display through a Compaq KVM. Display resolution is 1280x1024.

Where can I find instructions on how to re-configure the screen saver so it inherits the correct video settings?

Where are the rest of the video settings saved so I can enable some of the options that don't show up? For example, in System Settings->Dislay the second box only shows a 60 Hz Refresh option. I need to enable and select 75 Hz. The file I was expecting, /etc/X11/xorg.conf, is not there.

Where can I find instructions on how to install and switch to XFCE?

Bob McConnell

(*) I am trying out Fedora 11 for several reasons. First, at work we just switched hosting providers which also means we switched our servers from Red Hat to CentOS. After the switch, IT will no longer be managing our external or internal servers. So I need to learn enough about the environment to keep the development and QA servers in sync with the hosted servers. Second, Slackware 13 does not play well with the Intel video chips in most of my Dell computers. i.e. both the live CD and install CD produce unusable configurations even in CLI modes. I have been using Slackware since 1993, when it replaced my original Soft Landing Systems 1.02 system (kernel 0.99pl12). But I have not been happy with many of the recent choices made by that group. These two reasons finally shoved me past the tipping point to begin leaving Slackware.

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