On Tue, 2009-10-06 at 01:37 -0400, Jim wrote:
> Trying to Relabel my Laptop and if I do a "touch / autorelabel" in 
> permissive mode.  Reboot and it doesn't do a relabel on boot startup.

You're touching (creating, or changing the timestamp) of the
".autorelabel" file in the root (signified by the / slash) of the
filesystem.  It's a (hidden) file that the system will look for at
bootup, and then do relabelling if it finds it.

So that command should be:  touch /.autorelabel

> If I do a  restorecon -r /    I get a error;
> restorecon: unable to stat file /proc/2086/task/2086/fd/11:  No such 
> file or directory Read error on pipe.

It mightn't be a good idea to try and restore the entire directory tree,
the auto-relabelling probably omits some paths, or some things simply
aren't yet set up at the time it does its trick.

[...@localhost ~]$ uname -r

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