On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 11:48 PM, Manish Kathuria
<mkathu...@tuxtechnologies.co.in> wrote:
> Hello,
> Is there any way to make the user home directories on a Linux system
> accessible through a  password protected web interface ?  I am looking for
> ways to make users access the data lying in their respective directories
> through a web browser. A simple option is to run a ftp server and use the
> FTP protocol through a web browser, which however, is the last choice.
> Alternatively, is there any application which can authenticate users and
> make their designated directories (which may or may not be under home
> directories) accessible through a web interface ?
> I would appreciate some suggestions or pointers.

You could try out WebDAV. (Apached + mod_dav).

I also got a few results for specialized file manager WebApps by doing a search
for "web file manager".


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