Jim wrote:
> On 10/09/2009 04:24 PM, Mikkel wrote:
>> Did you check the firewall settings on the computers? I know the
>> default settings on XP does not allow printing to a network printer.
>> I believe the default for Fedora is the same. I just went through
>> that on my sister-in-law's computer. She did a firewall update, and
>> could no longer print to the network printers.
>> Mikkel
> I'm going over tomorrow and take a look at those two computers, they are
> at a friends house.
> Do you get access to a Windows XP Firewall through the Control Panel ?
Under security settings in control panel. Or under network settings.
I don't remember exactly how it was worded, and it depends on the
control panel mode. If you are using an after-market firewall, the
access may be different as well. There may also be an icon over by
the clock that will let you access the settings.


  Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for thou art crunchy and taste good with Ketchup!

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