On Sat, 2009-10-10 at 21:01 -0400, David wrote:
> The applications have to be written in 'something'. These happen to be
> written in GTK. And my point was that that does not make Fedora a
> GNOME distribution. It appears to me that Fedora *chooses* to be a
> GNOME Desktop default distro.

Well, the only thing the *have* to be written in is "something that
exposes the Linux API", (recalling that we're talking about system apps
here). The API defines the lowest common denominator, anything else is
an optional extra. However that's beside the point.

I was trying to argue that Fedora is a Gnome distro based on such
considerations, but taking into account both your own and Rahul's (and
Marc's) comments I can see that this argument as such doesn't hold up.

Nevertheless, it remains true that Fedora is a Gnome-based distro! Why?
Because it's all over the documentation. I doubt you'll find the phrase
"Fedora is a Gnome-based distro" anywhere in the docs, but the fact
remains that at every juncture where a DE is relevant to a system
administration function, it's assumed to be Gnome unless a specific
exception is made for KDE. This assumption permeates the entire Fedora
ecosystem. Once again, I'm not questioning that this should be so, I'm
simply stating it as a fact of life.

> As for your personal feeling about GNOME? Your business. Your choice.

I'm aware of that. I didn't bring it up.



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