On Fri, 2009-10-16 at 07:38 -0300, Fernando Cassia wrote:
> blow some compressed air from a decent air compressor (as I said cans
> do not have equal airflow power) into the cpu air exhaust vents at the
> back of your lappy. If you hear the internal cooler hum (it´s likely
> spinning backwards due to the reverse airflow), it means it´s working.
> After 3-4 seconds stop. Also move from side to side to cover all the
> sections of the air exhaust vents.

Cautionary advice:

High speed air can create static charges that destroy static sensitive
components (e.g. what you're computer is full of).  Careful blowing out
of heatsink fins wouldn't be a problem, but blowing across components
can be, and that's hard to avoid unless you can actually remove the

Blowing into a fan can blast muck into the bearings, stuffing things up
in a new way.

Blowing into a fan blade so it audibly goes WHEEEEEE as it spins around
can (depending on the design of the fan's electrics) cause the fan to
act like a dynamo, and inject current into some circuit that never
expected to receive it.

High pressure air could blow off any components with a weakness.
Perhaps something that, otherwise, wouldn't have broken.

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