Thank you Tim;

On Sat, 2009-10-17 at 01:05 +1030, Tim wrote:
> On Thu, 2009-10-15 at 20:11 -0400, William Case wrote:
> > I want a encrypted, password protected, container/file into which I
> > can store things like some personal data, site passwords, and bank
> > account numbers and passwords.
> If you want something that's going to be around, you can use gpg for
> that.  There's even thingumees around that let you right click a file in
> Nautilus, and gpg encrypt it.

I was trying to avoid climbing the gpg learning curve until I had the
time to really dive in so I was looking for something that would do most
of the work for me.  

Nautilus right click does exactly what I want.  In four years of using
gnome/nautilus, I have never tried the encrypt command although I have
experimented with just about everything else.  Who knew?!? 

Thanks again!

Regards Bill
Fedora 11, Gnome 2.26.3
Evo.2.26.3, Emacs 23.1.1

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