On Monday 19 October 2009, Melissa Bougor wrote:
>I have installed fedora 11 on a 1 tbyte hard drive we bought to use as a
> server to run fog. The directions in fog tell me to logon as root and then
> install  fog version 0.28 in the /opt folder. I tried to login in as root
> using the terminal but fog still would not install into the /opt folder. I
> have tried to follow all the directions given but with no success in it
> working. I don't think I have logged onto root right. I am new at  linux 
> so I need someone to walk me through. This would benefit our school
> district if I can get it to work.
Melissa:  one of the more common newbie related mistakes made is when doing 
the su to get root privs, the - is left out, so you are still working in the 
users environment, albeit with root privs.

The correct syntax is: su -
and answer the passwd prompt.  You will then have roots environment, 
including the portions of the $PATH variable that give access to root tools.

I'm not saying that is your problem, but it is a common problem. 

Cheers, Gene
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