At times I find I need to login as root.

For example, as a regular user su to root, then start gedit from that terminal session. Look at all the errors generated. And at least in FC10, I could still change preferences, but in FC11, they all come up grey. There are other things in gnome that don't launch right from an SUed terminal session. So when I want to 'fix' things, I find it better to just log in as root.

So in FC10, I learned to edit (with VI cause at least THAT works in the SU terminal session) /etc/pam.d/gdm and trim off the end of the 2nd line that has

Well I did that, and logged out as me and could not log in as root. So I rebooted (perhaps needed to restart some service) and still could not log in as root.

So what is the magic incantation this time around? And why is it getting harder to enable this?


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