On 11/2/09, David Timms <dti...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
> On 11/03/2009 01:42 AM, Andras Simon wrote:
>> On 11/2/09, David Timms<dti...@iinet.net.au>  wrote:
>>> Wondering if anyone is having trouble reading pdf files. Document
>>> Viewer. Using poppler 0.10.7 (cairo), opens the pdf OK, but even at the
>>> largest zoom (400%), the page is shown at less than the full height of
>>> the screen, making it real hard to read it.
>>> What's with that ?
>> Can't the pdf file itself be the culprit?
> Possibly, I don't know enough about it.
>> Did you try other pdf-viewers?
> Yes, xpdf can zoom in appropriately to be able to read the pages.
> I was guessing that somehow a setting of dots per inch on my screen is
> out of kilter, or trouble with fonts, or ?
> Conversely, all existing pdfs that are on my machine have this problem
> (with Doc Viewer).

In this case, it's probably best to file a bug report on bugzilla.


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