Ed Greshko wrote:

> Besides, things are done in an inconsistent manner.  For example, if I
> start "gnome-terminal"  from the menus in a Gnome session it will start
> in $HOME.  But, if I start it from the menus in a KDE session it will
> start in $HOME/Documents.  To change the behavior I need to edit the
> menu item and change the "Work Path" since someone thought it would be a
> good idea to default to that directory.

So we actually have:
- the obvious base directory for the user ($HOME)
- the obvious base directory for that kind of files ($HOME/Downloads)
- the obvious preferred behavior chosen by the menu creator ($HOME/Documents)
- the obvious directory chosen by the user (where he saved last time)

And I actually still miss the best of all:
- the current working directory

If I'm in a console and type

  cd /mnt/documents/finance/reports/2009/11/03

I would really like that the save-as file selector would
_not_ open on the "obvious" places, but open in the current directory
(you know, it's called current for a reason).
Then, when I close oowriter, I run


and it should default to the cwd too. And so on.

Add to this that I would really like to open nonexistent files:

  oowriter abc.doc

when abc.doc does not exist. In this way I can just save instead of save-as.
And it would be nice if the app let me save an empty document; so I can
save immediately before writing anything.

OK, I really had to say that. :-)

   Roberto Ragusa    mail at robertoragusa.it

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