On 11/14/2009 02:29 AM, Oliver Ruebenacker wrote:

   I am running F11 on a Dell Latitude D820. I am unable to connect to
projectors except at ridiculously small screen resolutions. Running
Windows on the same machine plugs into projectors easily. What can I
- mention what actual resolutions work

- F11 up2date

- card (lspci), and driver is in use ?

- resolution you are trying ?

- does the system you are plugging into feed EDID back to your PC ?
(most installed projection systems don't, only RGBHV are sent to proj, no returns).

- are you on the VGA connector / input

- if it's no EDID
  (try plugging cable straight into projector), it might be recognised
  System Admin Display|Hardware|Monitor Type = ?
select either the matching display, or generic display of resolution the projector is capable of. Logout, ie make X restart, and then in System Preferences Display set up your monitor.

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