
I just upgraded two of my systems to latest yum update ( with the hopes that the CD and DVD issues have been resolved (they have, almost, but thats a separate bugzilla report).

What I am querying about in this email is a message that I am seeing when I log in as root (yes, I know the caveats and try to respect, but I always make sure the ability is there if I need it). I log in from the start page GUI and there are no problems until, after a couple of seconds later, a pop-up from the "star icon in the upper right" says I got problems. I open it up and it says:

"SELinux is preventing the gdm-session-wor from using potentially mislabeled files (/root)."

Okay, that's nice to know, but I have no idea what it is trying to tell me needs to be fixed. I've got a couple files in the home directory but nothing looks funny about them (*.txt cut-and-paste of yum update/installs and an html of "how-to-install f11 from scratch").

I have edited both /etc/pam.d/gdm and /etc/pam.d/gdm-password per Fedora website instructions to allow root access.

Closer inspection says that I first began getting this message on 20jun09 after a yum update (I did original f11 install at the beginning of June). I just hadn't noticed it since I don't often log in as root, though I do remember seeing something in the summer and figuring it was a glip that would get fixed in future updates).

Any suggestions as to what I should be looking for to get rid of this message ... if I do indeed actually need to pay attention to it. If there is more info I can provide, please let me know what it is and how to get it and I will gladly post such.

Thanks in advance,

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