Hiisi wrote:
2009/11/16 Ed Greshko <ed.gres...@greshko.com>:
Roger wrote:
On 11/15/2009 08:37 PM, Frank Murphy (Frankly3D) wrote:
On 15/11/09 00:23, Ed Greshko wrote:
Ralph Gorrill wrote:
I yhave a DELL lap top that one of my employess loaded FEDORA on
with out telling anyone...I need to remove it...he is gone and I
have no password...can anyone help me please.

Why the fuss

Just say it's impossible to remove - Fedora is there for his enjoyment
and appreciation.

Nobody is fussing....  It isn't impossible to "remove".  That would be
erroneous information.

For many people on this list it's really impossible to remove Fedora
from their computers (including myself). Sounds like the end of the

I can't wait for DFM ... I want my operating system to stand up for itself !!! (and, yes, there is a "smile" at the end of that)

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