I just upgrade to and everything else yum gave me today and confirmed that most of my issues have been fixed (a big thanks to Harald et al for getting this done !!!)

I just logged two more bugs related to a couple things that didn't happen with it.

Bug #537740: if one is using a CD-ROM instead of DVD drive, the icon/drive/mount doesn't get killed but it still doesn't see that there is media loaded

Bug #537741: the system still doesn't see that it has a floppy drive and loading a floppy does nothing (this works in f9)

I have one more bug to log, but need a bit of help to submit it.

I have a DVD that I can play in my DVD player. If I put it in my f11 system, it not only kills the icon (and I suspect unmounts the drive and all sorts of other stuff), it actually totally kills the drive and I cannot eject the disk. The only way to get it out is a reboot and to push the button once the reboot has started after the current session has died.

I have tried every other DVD I can find and don't get this behavior. I think I need to supply info about "what the heck this DVD is", but would like some advice about what/how to query to give enough info to make a bug submission meaningful. I've got Linux f11 and f9 plus Windows XP to do querying.

Thanks in advance,

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