Just wondering if anyone else has seen this as I'm curious why it's
happening. When I play sounds in F11 at the moment the master volume
control goes too loud (mouse-over on the volume control applet comes
out ~160%) and sound comes out incredibly loud and distorted. Changing
the volume through the applet resets it to below 100% and a normal
volume. This is particularly surprising  because normally that volume
control has no effect unless set to 0% in which case it mutes output,
instead I use the hardware/advanced volume control applet to adjust
PCM levels.

This happens, for instance, when flash starts up in Firefox to play
youtube videos or BBC radio. I think it has also happened with
rhythmbox, but not at my machine at the moment so can double check
that. It sounds like F12 has improved some pulseaudio volume issues,
so maybe this will disappear when I try F12 later this week, but
curious whether anyone else has seen it.


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