--- On Sat, 11/21/09, John Austin <j...@jaa.org.uk> wrote:

> From: John Austin <j...@jaa.org.uk>
> Subject: F12 NFS Failures
> To: fedora-list@redhat.com
> Date: Saturday, November 21, 2009, 2:09 AM
> Hi
> I have just completed a clean install of F12 and
> subsequent yum update on a client machine.
> NFS was used for the install - no problems !!
> I am using a fully updated Centos 5.4 nfs server
> When copying a large file (2.7GB) from the server to the
> F12 m/c a complete freeze of the F12 machine occurs.
> No mouse, keyboard, ssh login. 
> Only hitting the Reset button gets it back.
> F12 is installed on the only disk on the machine which has
> several ext3
> partitions. A fully updated F11 is on one of the
> partitions
> I have tried
> 1. Changing from NFS4 to NFS3 - Still locks up
> 2. scp the same file from the server to F12 no problem 
> 3. md5sum on the file across the nfs mount - a read only? -
> F12 freezes
> 4. Booting the F11 partition and copying the same file - no
> problems
> 5. Tried playing with Defaultvers=4 in /etc/nfsmount.conf -
> still locks
> I have "googled" but not found anything useful so far
> My understanding is that NFS code is in the kernel - is
> that correct?
> Has anyone seen this or has any ideas about the next move

1) before doing anything, check the status of NFS, i.e, 

# service NFS status

2), NFS is failing because something is not letting it run correctly.  I saw it 
in testing Fedora 12 rawhide days, on messages(bootup), so it could be that the 
service is not running? and something is stopping it from working properly?  

> Regards
> John
> -- 



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