Daniel B. Thurman wrote:

I have been able to make a multiboot windows disk, no
problems, but I am trying to make a windows backup onto
another drive and make it bootable.  Perhaps this is related to
the 32bit (137GB) boundary problem?

On a different system, I have a successful multiboot drive as follows:

Looks to me, that Windows wants it's own primary partitions
and does not want to live in the logical partition space?

So I will try the following layout:
[w2p][Xp][Vis] { [sw][mb][bf9][rf9][bf11][rf11][bu9][ru9][bs][rs][wa][fa] }

w2p = Windows 2000 Professional 40G
Xp = Windows XP 40G
Vis = Windows Vista 60G
sw = swap 2G
mb = master boot 100M
bf9 = boot Fedora 9 100M
rf9 = root Fedora 9 100G
bf11 = boot Fedora 11 100M
rf11 = root Fedora 11 100G
bu9 = boot Ubuntu 9 100M
ru9 = root Ubuntu 9 100G
bs = boot spare 100M
rs = root spare 100G
wa = Windows Apps 1/2 left over
fa = Fedora Apps  1/2 left over

542.5G + rest of drive space

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