> Finally, I am curious --- if I live in Europe, have wireless channels 12 and 
> 13 active by default on my laptop, and then decide to travel to USA for a 
> week, am I breaking some law? I mean *unintentionally*, since I might not be 
> aware of the details of my computer setup? I guess one could ask similar 
> question wrt strong encryption algorithms and other stuff illegal in 
> US-only...
> So what is the story here? :-)

The story for the usual case is that the access point beacon includes
regulatory information so usually your wireless will turn the power down
in the EU, drop frequencies in the US and you'll not notice. That is
someone thought about the problem.

In a pure ad-hoc environment then yes you might use wrong channels going
EU->US and you might be over the power limit the other way. In theory you
can have your equipment confiscated plus fines in the UK but I know of no
case it ever occurred ;) I think they have bigger fish to fry - pirate
radio stations, CBers with 1KW amps etc...

There are certain people who can legally fiddle with their regulatory data
and transmit other power levels, notably radio amateurs subject to some
restrictions and usage rules.


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